How Big Should My Entrance Floor Mat Be?

Entrance Floor Mat Size

The stride of an average person is 2'-6". If you have a 10-foot long entrance mat, shoes will only step on the mat 4 times. Ideally your entrance floor mat should be as long as possible. In heavy-traffic areas entrance mats are installed from entry to elevators or the reception area. Climate conditions (snow/sand/dirt) should also be taken into account.  A grocery store, or a convenience store entry will require more matting than a medical office.

Door threshold-to-threshold recessed matting coverage is a popular installation for eliminating possible slip hazards with wet tile, terazzo, or stone. The increased length also adds wiping space for foot traffic -- retaining more dirt and moisture.  

One way to maximum coverage is by using a three-mat entrance matting system.

  1. An outside scrapper mat;
  2. A vestibule wiper/scrapper mat; and
  3. An interior wiping and finishing mat.

To determine if your current matting needs are being met, look at the floor surface after the end of your mat -- if you find dirt wear or moisture -- these contaminants belong in your entrance matting, not on your floor.

FACT: Most people do not stop to wipe their feet when entering a building.

FACT: Mats that extend for 6 to 15 feet inside the entrance will trap 80% of dirt and moisture from the first 5 or 6 footsteps (Carpet and Rug Institute).

FACT: 70 to 80 percent of dust, grime and dirt are tracked in on people’s feet -- permanently damaging floors and carpets.  (Institute of Industrial Launderers)

FACT: Some manufacturers recommend covering entire vestibule with matting.

FACT:  Fifteen feet of effective, high-performance matting system can trap and hold as much as 75% of the soil at the door; 30 feet can remove as much as 100%.  (ISSA) An entrance mat should cover the entire entrance to a building -- including any side entrances.  This is your first opportunity to stop dirt and moisture from being tracked into your building.  Length of matting should be the length that your entrance can handle -- many entryways don’t have sufficient length so it is crucial to specify the most effective heavy-duty matting to cope with the denser traffic saturation of dirt and moisture.  It is also important to start the matting system at the threshold of the door -- do not leave a gap between the entrance and the matting.

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