When it Comes to Entrance Mats, Aluminum is Best!

When it Comes to Entrance Mats, Aluminum is Best!

Entrance mats come in many different shapes and sizes and serve a multitude of purposes. When identifying which type of matting will work best you need to consider the different matting material and its effectiveness, how and where the mat is going to be used, as well as the return on investment.

Preferred Choice

Aluminum entrance matting is seen as the 'crème de la crème' of commercial entrance floor mats, they are viewed as one of the most durable and effective solutions for stopping dirt in a commercial facility. There is a reason why aluminum entrance matting systems are the preferred flooring choice amongst architects, and business owners. They are chic and sophisticated as well as at the top in functionality and performance in high traffic zones. An added benefit of aluminum is that it can more easily handle heavy foot and wheeled traffic such as push carts, dollies, and wheelchairs. Aluminum entrance mats keep your building clean; they prevent dangerous slip and fall accidents from occurring in your facility, and they can also be customized to fit your business needs.

Long Term Benefits and Savings

Another advantage of aluminum entrance mats is that they protect your floors while also keeping them clean. As dirt, water and debris gets tracked onto the floor, it can cause serious destruction over time permanently damaging your floor surface. Less dirt and debris entering your facility means that less dirt and debris is being ground into your floors, meaning permanent flooring preservation/refinishing schedules are considerably reduced. Flooring surfaces also stay cleaner longer, decreasing the need to sweep, vacuum and mop as frequently, helping you save on care and maintenance costs. The initial investment of your aluminum walk-off entrance mat may be more expensive than other options, but the right installation solution can lead to long term benefits and savings.

Aluminum entrance mats help keep your commercial building clean and safe; preventing costly slip and fall accidents from occurring in your facility and helping you avoid an expensive lawsuit. They also save you time and resources on cleaning and maintenance expenses. Aluminum entrance mats are built to last, and they are designed to maximize performance in your commercial building.

Customization and Design

Aluminum mats enable you to have more flexibility with your design choices in order to enhance your building décor. Aluminum is more resilient than many substitute matting options, and it can also add a more professional look to your building. When you opt for an aluminum entrance mat for your plan, it is tailored to your specific needs. The type of insert, the finish and color are all matched to your unique conditions. The size is measured and cut to the exact requirements of your environment, so whether your space is unusually shaped or more traditionally shaped your entrance mat is custom-made to order.

The entrance is the first thing people see inside your building; it sets the tone for the entire experience in your facility. With the right entrance matting solution you can ensure that your clients and customers start out on the right foot and leave with a lasting impression. A commercial entrance mat is designed to keep your building clean, safe, and beautiful.

Now the real question is, is an aluminum entrance matting system right for you?
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